First Impressions with Bob Mosby

Bob and Krista Melges 15.JPG

Bob and Krista Mosby of Asheville, NC were searching for a boat they could sail together and with their son before he left for college. After looking at everything from outdated, one-design dinghies to the larger sportboats, they found a sweet spot with the modern Melges 15.

Melges: What is your sailing background? How long have you been sailing?
Bob Mosby: I am 58-years old and have been sailing since I was six. I was raised on the Chesapeake Bay and sailed or raced everything from Sunfish to NACRA catamarans for many years. I was a sailmaker in Hampton, VA for eight years and raced primarily keelboats for a living. I have been fortunate enough to race sailboats from Annapolis, MD to Key West, FL, and cruise from the Chesapeake to the BVI.

Melges: What attracted you to the Melges 15 in the first place?
BM: I was looking to get back into sailing after being away for too many years and was very aware of Melges’s great reputation for modern designs and quality craftsmanship. I wanted something livelier and more modern than some old 1950’s one-design class. But there is a big void in the market for new, performance two-person hiking dinghies in the 15-17-foot range. I looked at used 20-foot sport keelboats, but, between the price and need for three-person crews, it was not the right choice for me. Along came notice of your new Reichel-Pugh designed Melges 15, with an introductory price offering, to boot, and I was sold. You built exactly the boat I was looking for.

Melges: How did you decide that the Melges 15 was the right for you?
Well, beyond the design and reputation mentioned above, my new boat had to be a two-man hiking dinghy with a bowsprit launched, asymmetrical spinnaker. This had to be a boat that I could campaign at the club level with my wife, or 17-year-old, without this old guy having to get out on the trapeze!  I was really looking for something stable, lively, responsive, and fast. If that doesn’t sound like the very definition of the Melges 15, I am not sure what does.

Melges: What were your impressions after sailing the boat?
BM: I am absolutely loving this boat. It has some great features and gear, is easy to set up, and is a great boat in all conditions. The M15 does not seem to like a tight, pinching mode, and really makes good progress to windward a little bit eased and letting her foot a bit. Off the wind, it’s a dream to sail. The boat is SO responsive to puffs and stays stable and manageable even in the bigger gusts. It is almost effortless to get up on a plane and GO! An all-around excellent sailing platform.

Melges: What features do you like most about the Melges 15 (Stability, Systems, ease of use)?
BM: The hull design provides a modern level of performance with increased stability and was the first draw for me to the Melges 15. I do really like the asymmetrical spinnaker and bowsprit “single-line set up” for ease of use and de-mystifying handling the chute for less experienced crew. This is also my first boat with a gnav, and it has really increased my use of the vang as a more active sail control. The boat responds beautifully to tweaks on the sail controls, whether it be the gnav, outhaul, cunningham, or lead positions.

Melges: What are your plans with your new boat?
BM: I will be sailing local club events and races near where I live in the Asheville, NC area. But I will be taking it on the road to future class events as they are established, and am actively looking to help build the fleet in the mid-Atlantic region. The boat will be going with me next month for a weeklong trip back to the Chesapeake Bay area, and I am really looking forward to getting the boat on some bigger water and stretching our legs.

Melges has delivered a top-notch boat to this segment of the dinghy market. I look forward to the active support and growth of fleets around the country. As mentioned, the 15-17 foot segment of newer designed dinghies is underserved at the moment, and this boat is a home run. Additionally, as a customer, I cannot say enough about the unconditional support and near-instantaneous response to communication that Melges is providing. You guys have really got this figured out, both from a product and customer service standpoint. Thank you, so much, for bringing a great little boat to the market that hit on every one of our needs and wants. You have won over a lifelong customer.