Fleet 1 Hosts High School Sailing Clinic

Melges 15 Fleet 1 hosted a clinic on Barnegat Bay, NJ for a group of high school sailors introducing them to the new boat and asymmetrical spinnakers. The group was primarily comprised of 420 and Laser sailors, most of which had no experience on the M15.

“I was able to learn a lot about the boat this weekend, as we were fortunate to have a day of light air and a day of stronger breeze,” said 16-year-old James O’Gwen.

“One of the most important things I focused on as a skipper was the boat’s response to different modes upwind. Much like the Club 420, hiking hard, keeping the bow down, and keeping the boat moving fast forward in puffs was extremely rewarding. Downwind, keeping the mainsail trimmed and steering smoothly through jibes allowed my crew to be most successful in trimming for speed.”

The O’Gwens purchased a boat so that James could learn and train as a skipper on a more modern boat than the 420. O’Gwen will be racing his new boat in the inaugural Melges 15 Winter Series in Sarasota, FL starting this January. “I’m very excited about being a part of the M15 Class from the beginning.” 

Thank you to Chris Fretz and Chris O’Gwen for lending their boats to the clinic, and to Clay Johnson for coaching!